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Discovery Call Not Necessary?!  Discover What Services Fit Your Needs

3 Tiers Available:
Starter: Events, Ebooks, Workbooks and Masterclasses
Pro: Signature Consulting and Strategy Sessions
Premium: Signature Courses or Coaching/Consulting Packages


Hey there! If you are here, that means you are either curious about how you can conquer purpose woes by partnering with color psychology as a form of wellness and personal development or you are already ready for your next steps. That's great and I am excited to serve you. Since you have taken this step, go further and schedule your 15-minute discovery call so I can assess your need and utilize my expertise to aid you in meeting your desired outcomes. 


Your IDENTITY and IMAGE are my priorities when serving you! Because what you do flows in sync with WHO you are. I am the guide that identifies your strengths and areas of needs/weaknesses that may be hindering you from operating as the most authentic version of yourself. Keep in mind that the inner work cannot manifest itself in the natural if you are avoiding or ignoring the process. And if you feel stuck or if what you are doing isn't working out quite the way you believe it should, then there's an area within you that needs to be unclogged so you can F.L.O.W. (Flourish and Live in Optimal Wealth).

Dominique Alexis' Specialties


Personal Development

Conquering Purpose Woes

Color Psychology


“Dominique is a necessary voice right now. Very powerful. If she instructs you to do something, DO IT!”

- Alicia J

“I was in attendance at your events and they were amazing. Helped me to understand so much in my most delicate moments.”

- Virgilia J

“Discovering how colors influence human behavior and emotions is amazing! Now I understand why years ago I wanted to change my bedroom to green.”

- Angela M

Any Upcoming Trainings?

Dominique Alexis offers 3 Signature Presentations for Events, Corporate America, Fortune 5oo Companies and Non-Profit Organizations

Stick to the Color Code

Incorporating color psychology into daily routine as a form of wellness and personal development

Your Confidence is the Key

Why confidence is necessary for effectiveness in leadership roles

What's Your Signature?

Identifying your signatures that complete your overall look as a preventative measure

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